There’s value in work you enjoy, or that serves a need. There’s no value in work for its own sake
Elizabeth Bear, Ancestral Nights
(if you like Sci-fi check out Elizabeth Bear)
One thing thats always bugged me was turning the bottom 6⁰ taper smooth after the end (and thus the center) has been cut off. It's near impossible to find the absolute dead center again and so the piece spins off center which is doesn't help at all. This is especially problematic with arm posts as they are double ended and they are visible...very visible. I use a tenoner from Elia Bizzari which makes a great 6⁰ tenon but it does leave a rough spot where it ends that must be turned away.
So tonite after 15 years and maybe hundreds of arm posts and legs it dawned on me to just put the tapered end in the open #2 Morse taper on the drive end and stick the other end (which still has a center) on the live center and there ya go. Bob's your uncle. A perfectly centered piece that can be trued up and looks great. On one hand I'm glad I thought of it on the other I'm kinda wondering why it took 15 years to see this.
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