Sunday, January 2, 2011


 For me this is the best part.  The chair is done, everything worked  out (hopefully), and I've carefully applied five layers of milk paint, black on red in this case, and the only thing that remains is to rub out  and apply the top coat.  I rub out with a gray scuff pad ( I get mine by the box from an auto parts store) and then rub out again with 0000 steel wool, rubbing until my hands cramp up.  The shot below the luster is from just rubbing out the milk paint, no top coat.  That's how shiny Old Fashioned milk paint can get, love it.
The top coat is three to four coats of a wiping varnish.  The first coat is 1 part thinner, 1 part spar varnish, and 2 parts linseed.  Subsequent coats are 1-1-1.  Just wipe it on, wipe it off with an old t-shirt.  Looks great and super easy.

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