Tuesday, May 27, 2014

New Chair

"Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt the truth a liar;
But never doubt I love."

Shakespeare, Hamlet

Here is a look at a rocker I jsut recently completed. It has been in my head for along time now; and while it is similiar in many ways to my usual rocker, it does have some differences, namely the back posts have a different curve.

On my usual rocker, the Traditional rocker, the back post are steam bent to look like a section of a circle.  A large circle, but a circle. Comfort wise it's fine, as the back spindles really support your back and give it it's comfort.  But for a long time I wanted visual unity between the spindles and the posts, and I wanted a birds-beak false miter at the top of the posts as seen below.  I use a thru dowel that is wedged.   Also the turning are double bobbin.

And here she is.  I could not be happier.  I only got two quick shots before it was off to the gallery, a new gallery Georgetown Pottery  in Freeport, Maine, just down from LL Bean.

Another view

As an aside, this weekend I hope to be rolling out my new website so I am really excited about that and also hopefully my galleries start to pick up as summer arrives.